Inna Lazareva: Redefining Real Estate Excellence

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Inna Lazareva is an entrepreneur and the owner of the international real estate agency Diamond Hill Estate. The Diamond Hill Estate agency is an exclusive partner of major global developers. Inna’s clients include individuals looking to buy apartments, as well as large entrepreneurs, famous people, and investors. The agency helps them buy, sell, and invest profitably, promptly, and efficiently to ensure further profit in real estate.
The agency maintains its leading position largely due to responsive clients who receive professional service in selecting housing or earning income from profitable investments. Inna has managed to gather a team of professionals who can solve any range of problems related to real estate for both current and future clients.

As an influencer and entrepreneur in the real estate industry, what inspired you to delve into this field, especially in Dubai and Cyprus?

My parents own development companies, and from a young age, I was interested in working in the real estate business. Regarding the real estate markets in Dubai and Cyprus, I chose to establish companies in those countries and cities that can generate profit from property purchases for our clients. These countries should have a developed economy, rapid development, favorable conditions for purchase and sale, high liquidity, and capitalization. This makes it possible to create profitable investments if we’re talking about income from property. If we’re discussing purchasing property for personal residence, then these conditions are also essential, as our homes should create a special lifestyle and meet each client’s requirements.

Your background in international relations and psychiatry is quite unique. How do you think these fields have influenced your approach to business and entrepreneurship?

I studied at two universities simultaneously, and education certainly benefits business. At the second university, I chose the faculty of psychiatry and wrote a dissertation. Knowledge of psychology allows me to easily connect with people, build strong relationships with partners, and effectively train and understand my team.

What are some common misconceptions people have about the property market in Dubai and Cyprus, and how do you address them?

I’ve often heard the misconception that property prices in Dubai will fall. People frequently ask if this is true. They’ve been saying this for many years, but we’ve only seen a growth trend. First of all, to answer this question, we need to understand the potential reasons for the rise and fall of prices. Real estate prices generally increase, thanks to many factors—not just in the UAE. For example, a strong economy, tourism, living/working conditions, income, development of cultural and financial sectors, medicine, education, infrastructure, etc. The UAE has been successfully addressing all these factors and more for many years. Those who have been away from the country for even six months often note how rapidly the UAE is developing. And the faster the country develops, the quicker real estate prices rise. The UAE has an active development plan for the next 15 years (available to the public). Based on key indicators, prices will continue to grow each year. Moreover, in my opinion, real estate prices are currently quite undervalued compared to the standard of living and income in the UAE. I believe this low price threshold is intentionally maintained by the country’s authorities to attract new investments and give investors the opportunity to earn a stable income. When the need for attracting investments decreases, prices per square meter will increase, perhaps reaching levels similar to those in Singapore.

Your company, Diamond Hills Estate, operates in four different countries. How do you adapt your strategies to successfully manage all these companies?

First and foremost, I focus on the investment attractiveness of properties for potential and current clients. In every country, I’ve assembled a team of top real estate specialists.

In my companies, there is no risk of buying illiquid properties that will decrease in value. My brokers, with many years of experience, carefully analyze the real estate market and the client’s needs before making any offers. This applies to investors who buy property for business as well as clients looking to purchase property for personal residence. For me, the key is long-term cooperation with our clients, who always get the best results from our work. This is the indicator of a successful business for me, and it allows me to develop the business in different countries.

In your opinion, what role does psychology play in the real estate industry, both in terms of understanding clients’ needs and concluding transactions?

My second degree, which I obtained at the same time as my first, gave me the ability to understand those around me and how the human psyche works. This is a valuable skill in society. In Dubai, for example, property is often sold with finished renovations. One day, a married couple came to us where the husband loved minimalism in interior design, while the wife preferred classic decor. Other companies had offered them apartments without renovations so they could do it themselves. However, I found the perfect apartment with renovations that suited both of them. It required thorough searching, but during our conversation, I was able to identify their key needs, which we ultimately satisfied. My knowledge of psychology often helps in communicating with my international team, as they are diverse individuals with different mentalities, religions, and values.

What challenges have you faced as a female entrepreneur in the traditionally male real estate sector, and how did you overcome them? I’m not accustomed to dividing professions into male and female. After all, if you receive poor service, it doesn’t matter who provided it. Of course, sometimes I encounter sidelong glances because I am young and a woman, but after a brief conversation, it becomes clear that they are dealing with a professional. I haven’t had to prove anything to anyone for a long time; my successful companies and dedication to my work speak for themselves.

Aside from business, you also share personal development and lifestyle ideas on your social media platforms. How do you think these aspects contribute to your overall brand and business success? On my social media, @inna_lazarevaoff, I often share properties that inspire me in different countries. Sometimes I talk about our work and achievements. Many people are interested in following this, and I receive a lot of feedback. Occasionally, satisfied clients express their gratitude to my team on Instagram, which is even more rewarding for me than receiving personal compliments.

Looking ahead, what trends do you think will shape the future of the real estate market, and how do you plan to stay ahead with Diamond Hills Estate? New trends simply don’t exist in the real estate market; there are only profitable purchases and illiquid ones. My companies will stay ahead through high-quality service, high liquidity from properties acquired through us, and understanding the needs of our clients. I believe this foundation will always help us maintain a high standard of service quality.