Ahmed Haydar: Balancing Passion, Grit, and Purpose

Mariana Souto
July 2, 2024
Inna Lazareva: Redefining Real Estate Excellence
August 27, 2024

Introducing Ahmed Haydar, a rising star in the modeling industry whose passion for continuous learning and curiosity drive his remarkable career. With unwavering family support and a promise made to his late father, Ahmed’s journey is marked by perseverance and determination. Beyond modeling, Ahmed aims to honor his father’s memory by establishing a heart health foundation. Join us as we explore the inspiring story of Ahmed Haydar.

What are some of your biggest passions outside of modeling, and how do they influence your work in the fashion industry?

My greatest passion outside of modeling is continuously learning and being curious. This passion has greatly increased my interest in the fashion world because I want to understand how everything works in this industry. The desire to always discover and learn new things positively influences my work by keeping me motivated and engaged.

Who or what inspires you the most in your career as a model, and how do they impact your professional and personal life?

The greatest support in my career comes from my family. Professionally, they help me persevere through setbacks and are always there to support me. Personally, it means a lot to me that they are always there for me. In the modeling world, my father has influenced me the most. Shortly before he passed away, I promised him that I would make it as a model, and I am determined to fulfill that promise.

What does it mean to you to have chosen a career in modeling, and how has it shaped your perspective on life and self-expression?

For me, a career in modeling means showing that Black people should be seen and that everyone is equal. It proves that Black people can also reach the top. This is well reflected in my self-expression because it allows me to show that a young Black boy can achieve a lot, regardless of where you come from, who you are, or what you do. Additionally, it has greatly boosted my self-confidence; I dare to show myself and am proud of who I am.

What are the core principles and goals that guide your work as a model, and how do you strive to achieve them in your daily life?

As a model, I strive to create a broad reach. My father passed away from heart failure, and I want to establish a foundation in his honor. With the reach I can achieve in the modeling world, I believe I can accomplish a lot. In my daily life, I am constantly working to bring out the best in myself so that I can achieve my goals and make a significant impact.