Mariana Souto

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Welcome to our interview with Mariana Souto, a cover girl for fashion magazines whose stunning looks have captivated millions. Mariana’s journey in the modeling industry spans over 15 years, beginning in her teenage years. She finds the most allure in the artistic aspects of modeling, relishing the opportunity to express emotions and embody a brand’s vision. Yet, she acknowledges the constant personal pressure to excel, driven by her high standards rather than the pursuit of perfection

Mariana, as a cover girl for fashion magazines, you are admired by millions of people. With your amazing looks, a modeling career is almost a foregone conclusion. How long have you been in the modeling business? What attracts you most about this job and what is the most difficult?

I’ve been in the modeling business since I was a teenager, which means I’ve been working for about 15 years. What attracts me most is the artistic part; reaching the public with my feelings and conveying what a brand wants is inspiring. The hardest part is the constant personal pressure to always improve. Perfection doesn’t exist, but I always set high standards for myself.

Can you tell us about your experience as a model for @onechancemodels and which projects were the most significant for you?

I love working at my agency because they respect me as a human being, not just as a fashion product. I believe all work has a special place in my heart, but lately, I had fun portraying a businesswoman (which I am as well) for one of Pierre Cardin’s brands. The clothes were bold, bringing confidence and credibility to a woman.

Besides beauty, what qualities do you think are a must-have for success in the modeling business?

I believe that doing the work with a lot of love, whether for a big brand or a lesser-known one, is essential. Additionally, it is fundamental to be responsible, punctual, and to treat all professionals with the utmost respect. I also strive to make the team’s work as easy as possible by optimizing their time and helping where I can, rather than just posing.

You are not only a beauty, but also a smart woman, and you became a lawyer. How do you combine modeling with law? Do you find any intersections between these two fields? Besides your roles in modeling and law, you’re also involved in the chocolate and accessories business. What role do you play in that venture?


The question is fascinating because currently, I’m pursuing a postgraduate degree in fashion law, which is a burgeoning field essential for regulating the various professions within the fashion industry. As for the chocolate business, I own a franchise in Brazil specializing in chocolates, desserts, and gifts. It’s been a significant accomplishment, and while I manage it remotely, I receive invaluable support from my family.

You were born in Brazil, currently live in Mexico, and have traveled to many countries. Which places around the world hold a special place in your heart?

The most significant place in the world for me is wherever I am with the people I love. I appreciate the architectural beauty and wealth of London, enjoy Las Vegas, among many other places, but nothing compares to being with my parents, brothers, and friends, no matter where we are.

Model: Mariana Souto @marianasoutob

Photographer: @joseindart

Makeup and hairstyle: @wenlozano

Stylist: @stylistmanifest

Production: @stylistmanifest

PR: @multi__publications