Valerie Stefanova. Black Butterfly

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Valerie Stefanova
Valerie Stefanova
The beauty of black butterflies is unmatched! They are considered a symbol of renewal, restoration, and spiritual awakening/rebirth in many cultures. Each butterfly undergoes a process of transformation at various stages of its life to achieve its majestic final look. Therefore, black butterflies are also considered a symbol of transformation and complete metamorphosis in a person’s life.

Meeting them may indicate that the person is about to embark on a path of major change. In some cultures, they also symbolize longevity, as black represents infinity. They were mentioned as auspicious signs already in Egyptian sources. Black is also the color of mystery, insight, and wisdom. The secret wisdom! A meeting with a black butterfly could promise a secret insight, which is given to the chosen ones, to those who are ready for it.

Valerie Stefanova

Here’s the rest:
You impress with delicacy and aristocratic elegance! How did you develop this flawless communication style?
Elegance is not just about being dressed a certain way. It is also defined as «the quality of being elegant and stylish in appearance and manners». Also, an elegant demeanor implies that a woman can behave in a poised and sophisticated manner. The elegant woman looks people in the eye when they speak to her. She takes her time and acts as if every conversation she has is the most important thing in that moment and day. You have her undivided attention and focus when you talk to her.

Valerie Stefanova

Was it easy for you to move from Bulgaria to England? What surprised you the most about your new country?
It was really hard, I must admit. Homesickness, adjusting to the new norms, and getting to know new people and places – moving abroad made me feel not only uncomfortable but also very traumatized too. I had to start from zero. The worst part of moving to England was that I didn’t speak any English when I arrived in London, so I really had a very rough beginning. However, English people surprised me with great kindness, which made it easier to learn the language and quickly adapt to my new life.

Valerie Stefanova

You hold many prestigious beauty titles. How did you start dreaming of becoming a lawyer? How did you manage to divide time between education and modeling?
Fоr аs lоng аs І саn rеmеmbеr, іt hаs bееn mу drеаm tо bесоmе а lаwуеr. Веіng а lаwуеr іs а nоblе рrоfеssіоn. Whеn І lооk аrоund, I sее аll thе іnjustісе іn thе wоrld.
Sоmе реорlе thіnk thаt lаwуеrs аrе sіmрlу оut fоr mоnеу, but І bеlіеvе thаt mоst lаwуеrs hаvе а dеsіrе tо hеlр оthеrs, еsресіаllу thоsе whо аrе unаblе tо dеfеnd thеmsеlvеs. And this is exactly who I am as a lawyer.
Modeling is my hobby, so it was never too hard to find time for it.

Valerie Stefanova

After so many achievements, what bar do you set for yourself? What are your aspirations for the foreseeable future? Do you feel like you have fully realized your potential, or will there be new realms to conquer?
I have done pretty well so far in my life but I believe there is always room for more. Kimberly, my daughter makes me dream even bigger. Looking into her blue eyes gives me the strength for becoming a better lawyer and pursuing my career to the fullest.