A talented photo model, a daring creator, and an extraordinary personality Lana Lanetta sees the world through her own lens. Model rightly identifies her style as postmodernism. For five years, she had worked on a unique collection of photographs, which absorbed so many emotions and experiences, depressive thoughts, and the desire to break free to light and beauty. Fifty of the most interesting pictures got exhibited in New York four years ago
Lana comes up with ideas for her pictures herself, and often, unexpected mystical images take origin in her dreams. When she wakes up, she tries to sketch what she has just seen to remember the most beautiful and valuable details. Then the idea slowly brews in her mind until it gets embodied through fantasy makeup, magical accessories, and post processing. Now Lana’s portfolio contains hundreds of photo masterpieces, which can be seen and also bought at www.lanalanetta.com – a perfect place to get inspired by art.